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News and Updates
Stay up to date with planning and Society news.

The Main Report - Towards A Better Balance Between Heritage & Growth
The Main Report for project 'Towards a better Balance between Heritage and Growth'.

Detailed Report - Working Towards A Better Balance Between Heritage & Growth
The detailed report for project 'Towards a better Balance between Heritage and Growth'.

WCS Members Visit to Shepton Mallet Prison (SMP)
Wells Civic Society Members had a great day out visiting the notorious local prison in Shepton Mallet.

WCS Plant a tree for the Jubilee June 2022
The Civic Society was gifted a number of tiny saplings which will be a contribution to our own, and Queen Elizabeth’s, Jubilee celebrations.

Civic Society Supports The Garden Gangs
Wells Civic Society helps to support the development of gardens at The Lawrence Centre and Wells Museum.

Bloody Assizes
As part of the Community Day celebrations in July 2021, the history of the Bloody Assizes, was played out in the location.
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