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Location of places having a Plaque Award

Wells Civic Society Plaques are awarded to recognise distinctive features of the City, whether it may be people of merit who have been associated with the City (Blue Plaques - blue locators), buildings or streets with a distinctive history or association (Architectural Plaques - orange locators), as well as local businesses (Indoor Plaques - red locators) that have made a long term contribution to the life of the City.

Click on one of the locators to see the details of the plaque award. Otherwise click on the icon on the banner above the map to the left of the WCS Plaque Awards to see a list of all the locations, then click on one of the listed sites to see the details. Clicking on an image will open a full size version. To open the map directly in Google Maps click on the square icon at the top right in the banner above the map.

If you wish to use this map on your smart phone or tablet to utilise for help with directions and locations, then click here for the guidelines:

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